This bundle contains 16 cattleyas, there are 4 different varieties all listed below with the bundle containing 4 of each type. Included with the plants is one set of laminations of each orchid. Each plant in the bundle is priced at R85 with a market sale price of R150-195.
The sarcochilus come in 9cm pots and the plants are 7-12cm in size and 1-2 years from flower.
OS2132 Cattleya Pulcherrima 'Beach Valley Girl' BM/JOGA x Cattleya purpurata venosa 'Spitskop’
OS2133 Cattleya purpurata venosa 'Spitskop' x Cattleya Pulcherrima 'Beach Valley Girl' BM/JOGA
OS2054 Laelia anceps x Splendid Spire
OS2201 Cattleya purpurata alba
Cattleya Wholesale Bundle 2025
Sales Tax Included