This bundle contains 20 vandas, there are 5 different varieties all listed below with the bundle containing 4 of each type. Included with the plants is one set of laminations of each orchid. Each plant in the bundle is priced at R60 with a market sale price of R90-120.
The sarcochilus come in 7cm baskets and the plants are 4-6cm in size and 2-3 years from flower.
OS2143 Vanda Lucknow x sibling
OS2330 Vanda Testacea x Miniata
OS2329 Vanda Testacea x Lucknow
OS2328 Vanda Miniata x Ampullacea
OS2327 Vanda Ampullacea x Miniata
Miniature Vandas Wholesale Bundle 2025
Sales Tax Included