This bundle contains 20 Tolumnia seedlings mounted on wooden sticks ,there are 5 different varieties all listed below with the bundle containing 4 of each type. Included with the plants is a single laminated picture of the flower of each plant along with the name and growing information. Each plant in the bundle is priced at R57.5 with a market sale price of R120.
Available in 7.5 cm baskets,
Tolumnia flower December to January
OS 19114.22 Tolumnia Black Bull
OS 19114.29 Tolumnia Black Bull
OS 19114.25 Tolumnia Blackball x Blackbull
OS 19114.23 Tolumnia Purple Speckles
OS 2053 Tolumnia Jairak Sylvestris
Tolumnia Orchids 7cm pots Wholesale Bundle 2025
Mist your tolumnia every 2 days in summer and every 3-4 days in winter. Water in the morning so that they dry off before night fall.
Keep your tolumnia at 10-32 Deg C for best growth, indoor culture is recommended.
Position so that they recieve bright light or morning sunlight and afternoon shading.
Tolumnia are well suited for terrarium culture and will do well mounted on branches in a terrarium