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Bundle includes the following hybrids 6-12 Month old seedlings in 9/10cm pots, 3 years to flower.


OS2215 Cym. Moondust 'Perth' x pumilum alba
OS2206 Cym. Dots DownUnder 'NH' X Devon Parish
OS2208 Cym. Fifington x pumilum alba. OS221
OS2221 Cym.Pee Wee x pumilum alba
OS2324 Cym. Memoria Sabino Gomes 'alba' 4n x canaliculatum
OS2310 Cym. Devon Parish 4n x floribundum 4n
OS2217 Cym. Grand Devon x pumilum alba
OS2323 Cym. Lee Cooke 4n x floribundum4n
OS2326 Cym. Roy Orbison 4N x Devon Parish 4n
OS2325 Cym. Roy Orbison 4N x [(Mizuha Okada x Emma's Gala)'G'

Bundle 20 Novelty Pendulous Cymbidiums

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  • Light requirements , 60% shaded 

    Temperature 3-28 Deg C

    Humidity 60-70% 

    Cymbidiums must be planted in pots.

    Ideal for growing outdoors, protect young plants from frost and extreem weather

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